Datum, oil, enamel, and acrylic on canvas, 2018-2019, 34 x 90 inches
Forced Perspective exhibition, 2019, Holly Johnson Gallery, Dallas, Texas
Mirage: Desert/Ocean, 2016, motion raster graphics, micro computer, led lcd monitor, plywood, power cord
Les Poupees, 2017-2019, oil and acrylic on wood, 24 x 24 inches
Joyce, 2017-2019, oil and acrylic on canvas, 24 x 24 inches
Good Luck, Car, Drive Thru, Wash, Beer, Wine, Best, ¢), 2019, oil and acrylic on wood, 24 x 24 inches
Forced Perspective exhibition, 2019, Holly Johnson Gallery, Dallas, Texas
Forced Perspective exhibition, 2019, Holly Johnson Gallery, Dallas, Texas
New New Standard, 2003-2019 , custom software, micro computer and controller, wiring, lcd screen, wood, enamel, potentiometer, ABS plastic, steel, 23 x 15.75 inches (plus 10 foot power cord
New New Standard, 2003-2019, custom software, micro computer and controller, wiring, lcd screen, wood, enamel, potentiometer, ABS plastic, steel, 23 x 15.75 inches (plus 10 foot power cord)
New Standards #######, each unique ( 1 of 1), ink and UVLS acrylic on cotton paper, 2018-2019, 13 x 13 inches
Mirage: Mexico/Texas, 2016, overhead projector, metal taboret, ink on polyester film, map pencils on cotton paper, salvaged plywood, elastic straps
Forced Perspective exhibition, 2019, Holly Johnson Gallery, Dallas, Texas
A not so Fixed Starting Point Series, 2016-2019
A not so Fixed Starting Point (Santa Elena Canyon), 2019, oil on canvas 12 x 12 inches
A not so Fixed Starting Point (South Hampton entrance I30 East), 2018, oil on wood, 12 x 16 inches
A not so Fixed Starting Point (I30 West Hampton exit North), 2018, oil on wood, 12 x 16 inches
A not so Fixed Starting Point (crippler, Sonora) , 2017-2019, oil, acrylic, ink on canvas mounted to wood, 12 x 16 inches
A not so Fixed Starting Point (head in clouds), 2017-2019, oil, enamel, acrylic on canvas, 12 x 12 inches
A not so Fixed Starting Point (J.O. in Bastrop), 2017-2019, oil on wood, 12 x 12 inches
A not so Fixed Starting Point (H’s f.p.o. Lounge), 2018-2019, oil and acrylic on canvas, 12 x 12 inches
A not so Fixed Starting Point (castle Chinati), 2019, oil on wood, 12 x 16 inches
A not so Fixed Starting Point (FTW Ave ABST), 2017-2019, oil and acrylic on wood, 12 x 12 inches
A not so Fixed Starting Point (nothing to say), 2018-2019, oil, acrylic, and enamel on wood, 12 x 12 inches
Say Nothing, oil and acrylic on wood, 2018-2019, 36 x 36 inches
Forced Perspective exhibition, 2019, Holly Johnson Gallery, Dallas, Texas
Forced Perspective exhibition, 2019, Holly Johnson Gallery, Dallas, Texas
Forced Perspective exhibition, 2019, Holly Johnson Gallery, Dallas, Texas
Forced Perspective exhibition, 2019, Holly Johnson Gallery, Dallas, Texas